Steveo do you think a Canuck can Survive the 7 Deadly Questions Eh?

10480996_10201673868402248_859762523951757315_n 11041705_10202985569153947_8672374551786118238_nName:
Steve Beaulieu
Nom De Plume:
Steve Beaulieu
Creative Position:
Penciler/ Inker / Writer
Growing up:
grendel war child
and now:
Lady Death from coffin comics
The 1 Superpower you want:
Edmundston NB Canada
Your Credits:
Nyobi / Lynda 7000  / Canadian Cindy 

The7Deadly   Questions


Why is Nyobi a Kickass comic?
nyobi issue 3 p pencil 10 new b20160811Nyobi is something diferent then whats already out there. Its a fresh new take on superhero comics. 

What Indie Title other than your is currently something a hugLynda 7000 p1 ink lettered smallNEW20150907_0000 copye Fan of?
nyobi 3 p1 pencil new20160721La Muerta from coffin comics

What other project have you worked on?
Lynda 7000 / Canadian Cindy

Is a woman body used as a marketing tool for comic book sales and is this a good or bad thing?lynda 7000 p3inkLETTEREsmall20150921_0000 copy copy
lynda 7000 cover logo2color letteringSMALL20150930_0000 copy copy
I dont like censorship. There is allot of different art out there some will like some will not like. Thats ok buy what you like.

10308149_993476307377432_339867129414340295_nWhat is your take on fan art at comic cons and  is it OK to sell and where is the not so ok line?
Fan art is cool but what i would say to artist is create your own characters and make prints of them. that way you are promoting your own work and no one can stop you from selling it at cons. But if a fan ask for a commission of a popular character i think thats ok to draw for them. its only one drawing. 

If you could out right own any Character every 1924890_998758216849241_5528404455021064803_ncreated and than make your own stories for them, who would that character be?
Transformers Optimus Prime

What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers should learn from your experinces? 
Not drawing art fast enough!
Well done  you Canuck have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans Eh,  and what you are working on now Eh:
12348102_986544724737257_8325985540738053616_nIndy comics are different then whats out there. A fresh take on story. right now i am drawing the interior art of Nyobi 3  you can find the kickstarter here


Nyobi Swimsuit Special go get on this Special Kickstarter

3 thoughts on “Steveo do you think a Canuck can Survive the 7 Deadly Questions Eh?

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