The Creative Process: You killing you Career being online with out a filter

Written By Rob Andersin,

I have been outspoken and at times rude on social media in the past. While I don’t start fights I have trouble walking away at times from them.  But now as I have grown I realize the simple truth people are on social media to scream their opinion and not be held accountable.  Its a joke to most people who don’t realize how quickly you can be tracked down and have real life issues for online bullshit.

Recently a creator decide the best use of his social media platform was to  air out his views about his employers handling of their business.  Now many Creators out there don’t realize but when you work for a company, any company and you say something about them sideways or negative publicly on social media  no matter if its true or not they get upset. Often they react by no longer working with you. They even hide this in the employment agreements.

So before you Tweet or post anything reread it and ask yourself: what does thisgive me me in a positive way?   If you think it will only make you feel better than go have a candy bar.  Seriously do anything else. Make it a new rule starting today that you no longer use social media to feel better. If your reading this your a comic book Creator and social media is a tool not something to make you feel better. Find other things that do that.

Don’t lose a opportunity  because you wanted to feel better.

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