Advocate Comic Anthology Idea- TENTATIVE NAME : The ADVOCATOR

Advocate Comic Anthology Idea


The Goal of The Advocate is to create a 32 page book that can be used for creators to help the time crunch in between issues of there comic books. We all know the old saying “Out of sight, out of mind.” Our goal is to put 6 titles together per book showcasing their product.


The other goals is when you are at the convention circuit that it can be used to help send people to other peoples booths and used to sell each others books.


Each creator will get 4 pages and a ½ page ad per book. (The story should be using your titles characters and universe) We are looking for ORIGINAL stories to make this have value.


Each creator will have the rights to their own story. You may reprint it whenever you want.


Each creator may also print their copy of the Advocator as many time as they would like to use for sale at the table.


This book will be kickstarted with each creator allowed to create their own Reward Tiers.


The initial print run will be 1000  split between all titles after reward fulfillment.


We also encourage each title to create their own cover for this book to help with the Kickstarter and to be better used for sales at your table.


Basically, you are paying for a 4 page comic to be made but are getting a 32 plus page comic to sell.


Additional Monies – If the Kickstarter does super well any additional monies will either be used to increase the print run or shared among teams.

Submission Rules


  1. Must have been published by Kickstarter or Indie label, can be personal label. 
  2. Must be planning to attend a convention to sell your book within the next 12 months
  3. Create a 4 Page story set in your published comic universe. (This must be the first time this story is in print)
  4. Create a half page AD to included in the book


Cover Submission –


Your Cover can only use  75% percent of the room and must leave 25 percent of the cover blank for the over titles in the book to be shown. .



to Apply,  send the following: 




Project title

Elevator Pitch ( no more than a few sentences)

Artist that you will be using

Published work

What con you will be attending in 2018/2019


The CREATOR if Approved will run the project and get limited help from Chuck Pineau who is Content Editor. They will have to get the work Done on time and be responsible for paying their team and sharing books with their team. In return, you keep all rights to work with the exclusion that we retain the right to reprint the content as we see if included in a Best of or new issues. However, we cannot edit in any way the project once submitted.  Also, you Must Read and be able to properly explain all stories with the issue witch your story shows up and Advocate for that creator as you will.

Travis Gibb- Project Manager

Chuck Pineau – Content Editor

Rob AnderSiN- PR Manager- Talent Coordinator

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