WS is looking to grab Pigtail off of KICKSTART but 1st an interview with Creator Gregory M. Thompson


Creative Position:
Contact Info:
I can be contacted through my official author Facebook page:
Growing up:
Thor. Anything Thor.
and now:
Still Thor. But The Walking Dead, anything by Scott Snyder, and Revival.
The 1 Superpower you want:
The ability to stop or reverse time.
St. Anne, IL
Gregory M. Thompson’s Credits:
I am a science fiction/fantasy/horror writer with publishing credits in
Aphelion Webzine, Concisely, Dark Gothic Resurrected, Midwest Literary
Review, The Fringe Magazine, and more. I have pieces in various anthologies,
including Steampunk Anthology (story was nominated for an award), and
Welcome to Hell, western-horror anthology edited by Eric S. Brown. Novels
include Nightcry, The Golden Door, Horde, Indiscriminate, and My Only One.
My latest novel, Grandmother, was released in December 2016 from Fear Front
Publishing. I have 2 comic shorts appearing in 2 horror comic anthologies in
summer and fall 2017. In April 2016, I ran a successful Kickstarter to fund
my one-shot horror comic, Lilacs. I am currently a staff writer for Affinity 
Press, working on 4-issue action comic series.

What have you been a part of creating that you can’t help but brag about to anyone who will listen?
“I would say a short play I wrote for my local theater. It was a
supernatural-themed play, which made it challenging to put on stage, but
hearing my words live became profound for me. Like, hey, I wrote some words
that people are speaking and damn, they don’t sound too bad. I loved going
to the readers, watching the actors carry out my dialogue and movements, and
the director offering feedback as the rehearsals went on. And yes, if you
suspected there were some rewrites, there were plenty!”
What Indie Title are you currently a huge fan of and recommend?
“Blackholers by Ben Templesmith. His blend of sci-fi horror is top notch. And
it’s Templesmith, you know his art is outstanding. Why am I even talking
about it? Just get it!”
What is a Dream Project of yours??
“A dream project of mine is to complete a “novel” entirely written in haikus.
I’ve started a project about man’s first colony on the moon, and have worked
on it when I have time, but sometimes life and other writing deadlines
(especially paying ones!)  take priority.”
Is sexuality focused on too much in comic books?
“I don’t think so. I believe there’s a balance between all the different
types of comic books, genres, and mentalities of those who draw and write
that nothing from any one of them overpowers the other. That’s not to say
there are trends that crop up, but for the most part, any sexuality in the
art is just in the art. As long as the writer focuses on the story, all is
good for me.”
What is the worst thing a Villain can do to a Hero?
“Mentally abusing a Hero is terrible. Whether it’s bringing back the past,
hurting someone or something close to the Hero, or shaming them, words and
non-physical actions is terrible. Just like in the real world.”
Which Character is so overrated given the power you would kill off and why them?
“I don’t think any one character is overrated, but I do think many characters
have too much story to them that comic publishers are making them overrated.
I like to keep up with the various superheros like Batman, Superman, and
nearly-infinite number of them out there, but when I get a new telling of
their story every year or two, it’s getting tiring.”
What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can learn from and not make themselves thanks to your advice? 
“Don’t let someone talk you out of self-publishing no matter if you’re doing
a book or comic. About 7 years ago, a couple of people degraded
self-publishing so I held off. But then a few of my friends started having
some success and sold the benefits more than the people who talked bad about
it. Although I was 2 years behind of what I would have been, I don’t regret
ever getting started in self-publishing. And honestly, I think it was that

that helped me get traditional publishers.”

Well done  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans and what you are working on now:

So you want to become my fan? Well, here’s what you’re in store for horror,
suspense, mystery, action, sci-fi. You want something to while the way the
afternoon? I got that for you. You want to escape the fears of the real
world to read about events happening in someone else’s world? I got that.
Do you want twists? I got that. If you want to try one of my books out, I have
some that won’t waste your time. Right now, I’m running a Kickstarter for my
martial arts action comic called Pigtails. I’m also finishing up a novel
about a man who loses his family in a small town, which is run by strange,
supernatural creatures. I hope you visit my website and find something you like!

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