A Speical Creative process :: A Throw BacK Thread

Many people will tell you being a creative person you won’t find a partner who will understand and if they do they won’t stay. I do not believe that. I think just like a comic book you create if you want it to keep going on from issue to issue you need to stay passionate about it. You need to make to to work on it and you need to pour part of yourself into that comic.

Love is no different than a comic you create. You get excited when you first see the cover and you want to know more about it and become a fan. But than you become part of that comic and as time goes on the longer you are in a comic together you play many roles. If you are lucky you get to play the hero of the story and avoid the times you could be seen as a villain.  Like a comic at times the stories get dark and sometimes bad things happen, mistakes are made.  And like a comic you are creating you need be able to see the problems and address them so you can  move on.  The biggest mistake made is that some creative people expect there loved ones to get thee busy and accept being ignored.  If you ignore your comic it will be canceled love is the same way.

You need to be a fan of the person you are with and like Nitewing forgive your partner when they acts like an ass.  And unlike Batman you need to admit when your wrong and always show your partner they are amamzing.

A good partner is one that accepts that they are part of a living organic thing we call love.  Love needs to be feed, yes a good partner let’s you get to deadlines but as a creator you need to make deadlines in your realtionship and make sure you show your partner no matter how busy you are you will make time for them.


Me I have an imperfect relationship that works because we love each other and we do not expect perfection. We make time and have created a human out of our union. Today is 10 years of her agreeing to be mine.  So it’s possible to be in love and a creator and be in a loving relationship, it just means you need to be passionate about more than just your comics.


To my wife I thank her for our son and understanding I am a geek for life. Being with a creator isn’t always an easy thing and sometimes they can’t see the story stuck in our minds and sometimes they are put  in a odd place to support us with out fully understanding what we are talking about. Having a person behind you empowers you to take chances knowing there is not just a person who believes in you but who is willing to risk it all with you. I love my wife and thank her for having my back for a decade now. Nothing worth doing is meant to be easy but when it’s worth it, it always is rewarding and I have been awarded with 10 year of Love so thank you to my Con creator In more than just comics but life and a son as well. I love you with all my heart Cookie Chef  the Creative Process


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