Aaron Johnson know that the Pen is not Mightier than The 7 Deadly Questions


Aaron Johnson

Nom De Plume:
Lightning-Powered or Godson
Creative Position:
Illustrator, Writer, Music Producer, and anything else you need me to be
Contact Info:
Growing up:
Wow, this is hard… It’s funny cause I didn’t start actually reading comics till I was like, around 10 yrs old and back then the only books I was reading was on Marvel.com back when they had the free comics section and the online comic reader that never worked properly haha. During that time the one series I always came back to was Runaways which had just come out around then, like 2002. So I guess that was my favorite. I didn’t even physically own a comicbook until 2012, which is so ironic and embarrassing to admit since I’ve dedicated my life to the artform.
and now:
I have a lot of favorites, Runaways has stood the test of time for me too. There’s so many new books out there that it’s hard to keep track so my list is probably outdated compared to most: Blacksad, Cloak & Dagger (original), KOTOR, Spider-man Loves Mary Jane, WildCATS, The Metabarons, X-Factor, Daytripper, Joe the Barbarian, most of America’s Best Comics especially Tom Strong, Superman, Adam Warren’s Empowered, Bokuman, Ghost in the Shell, to name a few…
The 1 Superpower you want:
Flight. Easily.


Your Credits:

Fandom Comics’ Dark Lady of the Sith, Fantasy Flight Games’ Escape from Smuggler’s Hold , Pandemonio, Operation Supply Drop, Aggressive Impact Games, and more…

The7Deadly  Questions

alexasrosa_s_aphrodite_9_colors_by_lightning_powered-da8vhf4What are you working on that is going to impress the readers?

Too many to name. One of which includes a graphic novel, music albums, multimedia projects… Anybody who knows me for a long time knows that I’m constantly expanding my skill set and circle of collaborators, so if you met me when I was studying computer science and see me in a year, I may have opened a school, ran for president, won a few Grammys next time you see me. Not to brag, of course.

bradwell_s_mermaid_by_lightning_powered-da82e28What creators do you look up to?

 I hate to sound repetitious but the list literally doesn’t end. But the one who was the “blueprint” for me and still is to this day will always be Bruce Timm (and by extension Paul Dini) as a director, artist and trendsetter.

supergirl_drawing_by_lightning_powered-d1t5cst.pngDo you think there are now too many superheros movies coming out every year??

There’s not enough RISKS being taken in Hollywood, period. That’s why we only get reboots and sequels all year every year. Of course, there’s also a handful of amazing, original stories featuring one or 2 “A-list” actors that flies “under the radar” “simply because the execs don’t want to spend money promoting a story that can’t be milked into a franchise and toyline. For every sequel, there’s plenty of superheroes that deserve to be adapted that simply aren’t since commission__majingojira_8_by_lightning_powered-d9y8e4h.pngthey don’t fit the “hollywood” formula. So do I think there’s too many superhero movies? No, just too many entries in what’s been there. I want to bring something new to the table with my stories and anything else my name is involved in.commission__majingojira_7_by_lightning_powered-d9rahz2

have_an_edible_christmas_by_lightning_powered-d9le18dDo you think women are being portrayed more accurately in Movies and Tv these days??

No. There’s still no lead female superheroes movies. OITNB and Grey’s Anatomy are some of the biggest female written projects, but that’s far and few in between. You know what? It’s actually more a Western cultural problem – I watch a dia_by_lightning_powered-da4ritslot of foreign stuff and even in anime for example, it’s like night and day when it comes to casting, relationships and how characters are portrayed. Once I switch channels, I see this whole world in the West that revolves around a man. And all the women in his life spend all day thinking about him, fighting over him, and it’s all so narcissistic. That’s not to say we HAVEN’T made any progress, but I feel like we in the West are way behind the rest of the world in a sense. Like, I already commission__threads_of_tyrus_3_by_lightning_powered-daaxcm3know how I see the world, how does everyone else see the world, you know? That’s what I’m trying to do with my own stories. And I’m really excited because there’s a whole movement of upcoming creators that are pushing the boundaries, and I want to team up with them all!commission__majingojira_9_by_lightning_powenred-da0uqx2

crimson_viper_colored_by_lightning_poweredDo you think Equality is a Dream we can never  reach due to people being so eager to segregate themselves into only like minded groups?

 Woah that’s deep! Here’s the way I see it. Everyone already IS equal, but not the SAME. Meaning men and women are equally important, for example. Just obviously, physically different. How we VALUE each other’s importance is what causes inequality. How we value pixie_in_color_by_lightning_poweredOURSELVES determines how we let people value us. As long as we live in this system we need an “underclass” and an “upper class”. That’s economic inequality but it’s also one of the reasons why Capitalism “works”, and so in that system, unfortunately, inequality is in that sense a necessary evil, just like how segregation has been used by groups of people to keep wealth within their groups, which in turn improves the whole system because more people succeeding is always a good thing. It’s not a simple way to answer this, and every step we take forward matters, but it requires a lot of patience too. It’s a balance, like yin and yang. You have a very unusual way of asking questions that kind of forces people to rethink their own reasoning!

commission__arseal_by_lightning_powered-d9sic9b.pngDO you think comic books company ruin their characters by playing towards fans assumptions of who they should be instead of letting the creators decided who they are?? By Example Deadpool was a sick twisted guy who doesn’t think hes sick and twisted and doesn’t care if he is but now hes campy.

I guess in  that situation it’s different because the creator doesn’t own the character. So now its interpretation is in the hands of whichever editor runs everything at that moment. I think most of the staff are fanboys and girls anyway, so they would all naturally see something about the character they like and make that the only commission__ari_by_lightning_powered-d9ufoxo.pngthing.  I actually like Deadpool but then again my favorite marvel character is She-Hulk  You could add that to the list, So I like the fact that he’s always aware of his own fictional existence but at same time so insane that he just goes along for the ride anyway.
But another writer (fan) might only see the jokes and 4th wall stuff as a Bugs Bunny style gag and “ruin” it for other fans who liked the more serious aspects of DP.  It’s also about sales at the end of the day. If a rated R Deadpool sells better than a PG one it’s the duty of the staff to make sure the audience gets that.  I hope that answers the question! ?

commission__majingojira_6_by_lightning_powered-d9qmy4a.pngWhat is a bad creative behavior that you are trying to break & how are the adjustments going?  

My biggest strength and flaw is my ability to multitask.commission__majingojira_5_by_lightning_powered-d9gx8rs


Well done Aaron  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
Well, you can see all of what I’ve worked on already online. Beyond art and writing my own stories, I’m a musician and songwriter, but what I’m most proud of now at the moment was being able to create my own line of original designs and merchandise for people to use and wear with a new company called Tower Threads, dedicated to giving creators a platform to monetize and distribute their creations while having 100% creative control over them. Here’s the link to my store, which is in 2 sections: goo.gl/B1FY7qstarwars__tfa_poster_by_lightning_powered-d9iuu0t.png


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