THROW BACK THREAD:: Brodie The 7 Deadly Questions have sold Organs before too .

 Daniel Brodie
Nom De Plume:
 Morgan’s Organs
Creative Position:
  Creator and Writer
Contact Info:
Growing up:
 Hard to remember. Maybe X-Men or Fantastic Four. I was pretty into   Archie Comics too. I used to pick up random loonie bin items so I read all  sorts of random 
and now:
 Really enjoyed reading Saints. I like to support random Indie stuff too.
The 1 Superpower you want:
 Ability to be all-seeing. Kind of like Bran in Game of Thrones.
Toronto, Ontario
Your Credits:
 Morgan’s Organ’s 

If you aren’t careful

The7Deadly   Questions

may Harvest your organs Brodie




Why is this Morgan's Organs ready to be transplanted into a main stream property?

 Morgan’s Organs tries to push the limits on the kinds of stories that are told in comic books, while also trying to push the limits on what a general audience would consider tasteful. At surface level, I think it sounds like an interesting concept to any sort of reader, but I think it takes a certain type of reader to be willing to read something that includes anthropomorphized sex organs as characters. On it’s surface, the concept can come across as silly or immature, but we really strive to tell genuine stories with messages that any person can relate to. 

 The characters and premise are just the backbone. We really try to straddle the line on silly humor and relatable themes. There are so many interesting stories we can explore that relate to people’s understanding of their bodies, and of life in general. We’ve only scratched the surface so far in Issue #1, and I think with an audience willing to take the journey with us, we can really tell compelling stories that have never been seen before. A strong story is usually supported my emotional resonance, and we really try to inject personality, wants and needs into each of our characters so they are relatable and have true motivations.  

 I also think Morgan’s Organs can do wonders for bringing in new fans to the comic book market. We aim to tell full, self-contained stories in each Issue, and don’t support the notion that we need to really on cheap hooks and cliffhangers to ensure readers pick-up the next issue. Each story is meant to stand on its own so a reader can join in at any time and see whats going on. Themes will continue over the life of the concept, but each story can stand on its own. That’s also why we will continue to aim to tell stories that are 36-pages long or more.

  When I first started writing for this concept, it was intended to be a television series for 30-minutes of programming. Therefore, Morgan’s Organs follows more of the structure of television writing, with three clear acts, a teaser and a tag. We hope our relate-ability to other genres non-comic book readers are used to will help bring in a new audience, on top of the unique concept. 

Morgan Organ 1

What is your favorite indie comic to read that isn't something you have created?

  My favorite book as of late is definitely   Steve Lichman, a book that was also funded  on Kickstarter. It absolutely crushed its goal, and I tried to integrate some of the strategies used by their creative time in running my own campaign. I think Steve Lichman is similar to the sort of humor I am attracted to in my own writing, and it aims to capture a similar audience to me. I think what I look for more in comics is unique art style as well as unique concepts not rooted in traditional genres. I’ve really grown unattracted to superhero-type stories, and enjoy concepts that revolve around strong premises and relate-able characters. I really enjoyed Saints, a book from Image, because of its very interesting art style that I have not seen before in the industry.  

Morgan Organ 2

Are there any other projects that you are working on and will there be a follow up to Morgan's Organs?

  Morgan’s Organs is really my first and only foray into comic books publishing. It’s been my focus for 3 plus years, initially as I pursued making a television series, and then when I pivoted to producing a comic book. Going forward, I don’t expect my focus to change much. I really want to continue to produce more of Morgan’s Organs, and that will require my complete dedication and creativity. If I really had to pivot to another project, I have a second concept, called “The Children”, that I have been playing around with in my mind. 

Morgan Organ pepe

Are sexual organs explored in Morgan's Organs?

 You bet they are! I didn’t build Morgan’s Organs to scratch the   surface. Either readers are going to love it or they are going to hate it. But it’s more than just showing sexual organs to be funny. If I were to omit them from the concept, it wouldn’t be authentic. I am trying to capture an all-encompassing story about the human condition and our relationship to our bodies, and that includes talking about sex. Some might feel uncomfortable about it, but if people could just see past the silly humor, I think there is a story they will be able to relate to.


Morgan Organ 3

Which organ is the angriest organ in Morgan's Organs and why?

  Hmm, that’s a good question. I’ve definitely explored the idea so far in Issue #1 of who is the smartest, the more emotional, the more impulsive and the most rational. Without diving too deep into some of the characters who have not been explored much yet, I might say that Lou the lungs is the angriest. He’s frustrated that his entire job revolves around the premise of “breathe in, breathe out”. It’s child’s work to him to keep Morgan’s body circulating oxygen, filtering bad particles, and removing carbon dioxide. Therefore, he tries to hide his own personal dissatisfaction in escapes like smoking and finding humor out of the pitfalls of others in the body.

 Then again, Bran the brain might be the angriest organ as he struggles to balance his own wants with the wants of his human and the rest of the organ characters. This is all just speculation at this point, until I really explore all of these characters in the future!  

Morgan Organ 5

Do you think Morgans organs would make a better Movie or Cartoon series and why?

 Definitely cartoon series, especially since that is the execution I originally envisioned for this concept. I imagined it being the sort of show that could be on Adult Swim, similar in style to Rick & Morty, Bojack Horseman, or Bob’s Burgers. There are just way too many potential stories to explore to be able to condense the stories to a movie.


What popular POP Culture  Trend is stupid and needs to go away and why pick that one?  

 Our obsession with the lifestyles of the rich and the famous (that’s a song right?). 

Morgan Organ 6Well done Brodie you made it through The 7 deadly Questions with all your organs in tact. So  tell us why we should become fans of  Morgan’s Organs and take a swim in our Favorite Sin; Shameless Self Promotion :

 It may sound arrogant, but honestly, you should become a fan because this is just a good story. We don’t really on gimmicks or cliffhangers or wasted pages. Every panel has a meaning. Every word has a purpose. Every action contributes to an entire story. I’ve been working on this script for 3 years, and backed by the incredible artwork of Robert Jennex, this really is a unique comic book that is absolutely ready for the next level.

I am currently working on the draft script for Issue #2. I am hoping to launch another Kickstarter in 2017 for book #2, unless I can find a publisher to partner with before then. As well, I will be at Toronto Fan Expo in a few weeks to promote the concept further and sell books. Be sure to stop by if you are attending the event! 

 If  you are interested to read the digital or print version of Issue #1, visit

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