Can a Comic book change the Worlds perception of all things Fetish?

.While on the Surface Fetish babies seems to be a book about a Young Woman’s journey into the New York City Fetish Underground and herself discover involving fetish and the effects it has on her, the goal of Fetish babies is far more reaching. (And no, this story has nothing to do with babies, the word is used in reference to mentality not age.) The Creators behind the book are trying to change the perception of Fetish and BDSM. At best, Humans who practice BDSM and Fetish are made out to be the punch line of jokes usually using the staple images of people in all leather. At its worse humans who are into fetish are villainized and prosecuted for being different, and often called “Freaks”..

.So how can a comic book change all of that? The Creators plan is to simply show the humanity of the characters as we follow them throughout the story, while introducing the fetish mentality, energy, trust and thought that goes into fetish play to readers. An idea few people understand let alone know exists. Science has begun to back up the claim that fetish relationships are indeed healthier than vanilla relationships. This is in no small part due to the more open and honest that relationships involving fetish are and must be. But it was less than just thirty years ago, that most things fetish were considered a mental disorder and that mentality has not faded. In fact, it was only in this very decade that the mental health community final realized and admitted that the practice of a Fetish and or BDSM play was not a mental illness. While it’s cool for stars and singers to rock out with their kink out, it not such a safe thing for everyone else..


.In fact, in 2016 and now in 2017 having a fetish is used against a human as a character flaw in court rooms for criminal cases and even child custody. It is even used against humans in employment situations as a reason for terminations often referring to the practice as an embarrassment, or undesirable action by companies. Worse yet is that women more than men have been effected by these witch hunt practices. However, both sexes have paid the price for these dated ideas from a misinformed culture of hate and bias towards fetish born out of bad science and people feeling they can dictate to others how they should live..


.Remember this is 2017 and you would think a person’s sexuality would be respected even if not understood, I mean at this point haven’t people figured out they don’t have the right to tell other humans how to live their lives? Yet humans with fetishes are still looked down upon and forced to hide who they are, out of fear of repercussions. Just the idea of being outed and having to pay for that outing is still a very real and dangerous situation for humans who have fetishes. So, can a comic book really combat this? Most will say “Well look at what 50 shades did for BDSM.” And while 50 Shades did shine a light on BDSM it also doubled down on the idea you are a damaged person if you practice BDSM. And it takes a young woman to allow herself to go through BDSM experience, so she can get close to a billionaire just to than change him over three books and make him a better man while slowly fading out that pesky BDSM story line..

.So, can a Comic Book named Fetish babies combat the damage of decades of jokes and cultural abuse and bias based on bad science compounded by the misinformation of a book written by a person who goggled BDSM that was turned into motion picture?? The Creators say YES!!! If you ask them they say it is long overdue. Time will tell if they can in fact change the perspective that anyone with a fetish faces but after all we have seen in the past 50 years, even though clearly getting respect will be an uphill battle, anything is obtainable so long as a few are willing to stand up and say Enough, WE DEMAND TO BE RESPECTED. And if the Creators of the comic book Fetish babies have their way, that is exactly what is about to happen using Fetish babies as the vehicle for change.
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