Chris Evans, Huge Jackman and Robert Downy Jr are all showing that Comic Book Movies can’t just keep going on forever or can they?.

Unlike Comic Book  Characters  the actors who play these character from those comics that never seem to age, (thanks to reboot and flat out Denial of time moving forward) are aging and at times are growing tired of playing the characters. That means they will need to be recast-ed but..

 How Much effect will this have?

For a Generation these Actors have been these characters and changing them at this point will have a lasting effect.  And while in no way do I see this as the end of the line for Superhero films it does expose a flaw with the Marvel Phases.  These Phases where built on Actors and as these actors leave it damage that foundation.  This leave the Studios with the unthinkable future for these characters: DEATH.

To Simply recast would alienate fans but to kill them off and than rely on other characters to move forward is the only way forward for Marvel Studios.  But what does that mean?  Is there life after Ironman and Captain America? And What about Wolverine?

Now the Comics have actually already solved this upcoming issue time and time before.  These Mantels have lived on past the original secret identity. SO the Suits can be passed on.

As for Wolverine well FOX Marvel Comic Movies are coming to an end.  There was a rumor that the NEXT X-MEN movie is now on hold.  That would mean outside of DEADPOOL it seems Fox want out of super hero movies.  But they do seem to want to own TV.  So could Marvel be getting the movies Back so long as Fox get to do TV shows?  Time will tell.

Now why is this such a big deal? As life long Comic Book readers we watch our lives move forward and changed but often find our character to remain 20 for 50 years.  It is hard to identify with characters that don’t mature and only reboot. The exciting thing is when we trade out these actors over the next 5 years and bring in new blood to the Marvel studios world, If they can be successfully this might be the moment where comics begin to mature.  Lets be honest The Movies now Control the comics. So if the Movies show character age and pass mantels maybe we will see that in the comics and not done for only a year. 

So what do you think?  Can the parts be recasted?  Is this the beginning of the end?  Who should the net Wolverine be?

2 thoughts on “Chris Evans, Huge Jackman and Robert Downy Jr are all showing that Comic Book Movies can’t just keep going on forever or can they?.

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