Throw BACK THREAD:: Copper Mouflon We see you used WS’s Cousin for a Comic Book a Wise Choice indeed: Stella Violari .

  Names Of The Creative Duo Behind :
Writer: Christopher Demetriou
Artist: Stella Violari
Nom De Plume:
Writer: Chrisdem (even though I seem to be using it less and less and replacing it with my actual name as I get older)
Artist: BlazeNoire (I use it on social media and as my gamer tag)
Creative Position:
Writer: Writer at Copper Mouflon
Artist: Artist at Copper Mouflon but also open for commissions depending on my work schedule
Contact Info:14199551_10209611418538079_3442054521138928774_n

Artist: rt/

Growing up:
Believe it or not I was NOT into comics as a kid. BUT I grew up on A LOT of TV animated series. Batman the animated series, Justice League, Dragonball, Samurai Jack, Avatar: The Last Airbender etc. as well as a few Japanese animated series and movies. (Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Ghost in The Shell are at the top of my most favorite list)
I was reading manga and watching a lot of anime from a young age and what started everything for me was Sailor Moon
and Eternal Sabbath (both completely different in style and genre). 
and now:
The latest comic I started reading and I’m really excited about is “Chew” written by John Layman and drawn by Rob Guillory. It’s published by Image.
Later on, I began watching super hero cartoons, like Spiderman and Batman the Animated Series and I wanted to get into western comics as well. After reading a lot of different titles, the one comic that holds and will forever hold a special place in my heart is Watchmen.

The 1 Superpower you want:
A powerful brain  (No not the supernatural unproven telekinesis, telepathy and mind reading stuff) I want a brain that can absorb all sorts of information (think photographic memory only even better and faster) with the ability to recall any information with all the details I want at any given moment at the blink of an eye.
Artist: I would like to be able to shapeshift and morph into anyone or anything but more importantly modify my appearance, so I can have wings and elvish ears. That also gives me the ability to fly and look like an elf since I really like anything elvish 

Writer and Artist are both living in Cyprus at the moment. Our company Copper Mouflon is also located there, but we hope soon to be international and travel across the world, visiting comic conventions.
Writer: I do not have a personal website. Only one for my collaboration with the artist.
Artist: I’m very active on facebook ( and Instragram ( zenoire_art)
I also have a portfolio website work
Your Credits:
Writer and Artist::
All our work is published by Copper Mouflon so far. We have a short story titled “Stay Centered”, a mini comic (12 pages) titled “Last Moments”, and of course our most recent release, our graphic novel “Kingdom of the Red Rose. Chapter 1: The Reaper’s Choice.”

Just because you used a reaper in your story, know that it wont impress

The7Deadly   Questions

so expect a HELL of an interview to begin now:

Writer:Why use a reaper to tell a tale of mortality?
All curious humans face the same “technical” issue when it comes to dealing with our mortality. None of us seem to return from that exit door labelled death, and those few rare cases that did manage to return – always after a very short trip in the afterlife – have never brought back any great details. And so it became obvious to me that the only entity who would be able to provide answers would be someone with the ability to travel between both worlds. Someone who crosses that door constantly. But it would also have to be someone who has not only lived on both sides of the door, but also interacted with the inhabitants of each side. It wasn’t long before a light bulb went on over my head and the idea of using a Grim Reaper popped into my head. He would be the ideal entitu to share stories that take place in both worlds while simultaneously be an authority figure on the subject. Someone you would trust, someone you would believe, but most importantly (for me) someone you would listen to.
fb-post-1Artist : How did you come up with the idea for the reaper’s eyes?
Artist: Even though I have a lot of creative freedom with designing characters, especially with Archangel Gabriel and other reapers, the eyes were the writer’s choice to make the reader feel uneasy with Griffin. It also adds something extra to the reaper and he’s not a direct copy of the classic Charon (who also appears later in the story) 

What Indie comic book Title are you currently a huge fan of?
I mentioned it above. Chew! and I’m only a few chapters into the story but so far it has been absolutely amazing and brilliant.
By far my favorite is Saga written by Brian K. Vaughan and drawn by Fiona Staples. It’s also published by Image. I love everything about it, the pacing of the story, the characters, the way they built the world. I’m simply captivating.

What has been your favorite project to work on and why?
For me so far, it has been our latest graphic novel “The Reaper’s Choice”, but I find that with each title I complete, I’m anxious to start on the next one, and every time it feels like I’m even more excited than the last time. For instance, one of our next projects is turning our short story Stay Centered into a one-off graphic novel and I can’t wait to see the final result of that!
I’m supposed to say about our graphic novel but in my case I enjoyed working on ‘Last Moments’ more. 
During its development we were more experienced and more comfortable. Things were smoother and easier to lay down. 
It might have been a small project but working on it at the same time with ‘The Reaper’s Choice’ made me a better comic book artist. I was quicker in making decisions, my drawing speed improved and showed that I can work under pressure with a deadline.

Writer:Will sex become a theme for any character in the books as your universe grows? Maybe a street walker trying to be redeemed?
The series I’m currently working on no, it does not have that. And I know this because I have already completed the story in novel format. But if a future story ever calls for sex and it makes sense to be included within the pages of the comic then I hope I will not turn away from such an idea out of fear of what others might say. I can tell you that my current story does suggest sex, but it never plays an important role in the plot and so there’s no real need to show it, which is why we never put any emphasis on it. I hate the idea of including sex as a cheap trick used to lure in readers. Use it only if the story calls for it and there’s a reason for the reader to see that scene. This goes for all types of scenes by the way, including violence, blood and gore, etc. The only exception to this rule would be if your entire project is based (or rotates around) that single idea. There are some great pieces of work out there that are based on meaningless over the top violence, or even sex, and they work.
Artist:  Are you careful when drawing to make woman look real and less like eyecandy, or do you think comics are fantasy and you do art that makes people happy and screw worrying about making everyone happy?
In all honesty, I never drew anything just to please others. Yes I take commissions, however my art style is completely my own and what I have developed through the years. When it comes to women there have been times that I have drawn them curvier and sexier, or I’ve drawn them naked but never without a reason. I don’t want to sexualize any of my characters just for the fun of it or because people demand it. Foremost, I draw for me and because I love it and I want to inspire people with what I as an individual can offer not because my women are hot and sexy. 

We see the common thread of morality in your story. Have you personally been in a situation where you tried to save someone from themselves and failed and has it changed you?
I often say that writing saved me from myself at a time of great depression. It started as an act of desperation that eventually became my rope out of a deep dark whole I had dug myself in. That experience has changed me. It turned my life around and changed my world view. My obsession with morality (that eventually leaks into all my stories, and more often than not in a very obvious and straight forward way) comes form deep within me, from my own curiosity as look outwards upon the world and try to make sense of it.
I have met a lot of people in my life and I’ve tried to help a lot of them in any way I could. When I was 19, on my second year of university I met this guy who was fun and we had a lot in common but suffered from depression, even took medication. 
I was constantly struggling to help him and push him our of his depression and when I thought we made some progress, he stabbed me in the back as a thank you. Ever since then I’m extremely cautious with people and I try not to get involve too much whether they ask for my help or not. 

Would you sell your stake in this Reaper driven story for the right amount of money and just walk away and not look back ?
My first reaction was to jump up and scream HELL NO! NEVER! but the truth is that eventually I might agree to do that for the right price if someone is truly interested. But only after I’ve completed my story, I’ve done what I wanted to do and said what I wanted to say. Also I would ask that any future creators working on the story focus on creating their own stories set in this world (even use our characters if they want to) but NOT rewrite my original work. Maybe I’ll let an alternate universe idea slide because sometimes other creators can add to a story and make it even better than before.
I don’t think I will have the heart to do that. I’ve already spent a year and half preparing and working on the story and I’ve grown quite an attachment. Most likely, we’ll be working on this story for the next 5 years or so and I wouldn’t want to see all of those efforts being taking away from us. On the other hand, like the writer said, if the right people come in and propose an alternative universe and keep the original intact then perhaps I would reconsider it. 

What is a mistake you have made in your early years that our readers can hopefully learn form ?  
Two mistakes. One, thinking stuff will happen in a few days or months. The answer is always years. You might be lucky and have it happen to you sooner, but that will never happen with the wrong attitude. Like being in a bad mood because things aren’t working for you. Two, thinking that learning will one day stop. Get used to this idea from now while you still can. Learning will never stop, and it should never stop. If you ever reach the top, that’s when the real hard work starts as now you will have to become a leader and start learning on your own, creating a path for others to follow and learn from.
Mistake #1: I was trying too hard to please everyone and I never said No. This can be a problem because people can take advantage of your skills, for example not paying you or asking too much from you or you might not be able to comply  for various of reasons. It’s okay to say no, it’s ok to weigh your options and decide whether this opportunity is good for you or not. Don’t over-commit to avoid unnecessary difficulties and complications
Mistake #2: Don’t compare yourself with others. It’s easier said than done but doing so will slowly drag you down and you will often feel defeated. The point is to keep learning and keep on going to achieve your dreams. Nobody is born knowing anything, we learn in time and we get better as long as we act on it. Like Jake Parker recently said “Finished, not Perfect”.
Do stuff, chase them and your goals will be achieved.

Well done  you have collectively have  a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
“We won’t tell you why you should become fans of Copper Mouflon. We will let our work do that for us. All we will ask of you are two things. One, come check us out at and sign up at our emailing list. (We won’t spam you. Promise. We only send emails regarding our new projects and events). You will get our short story “Stay Centered” and the first 10 pages of our graphic novel for FREE straight in your inbox. And if you like what you see, if our work is for you (we know it’s not for everyone) then you can either support us by buying the digital version of our book and/or by sharing our work with your friends and inviting them to join us on this amazing journey. You are the reason we do this, and the more of you we see supporting us, the more we feel justified for all the hard work and effort we put into our work, all for you.”

“As for what we are currently working on, the obvious answer is “Kingdom of the Red Rose. Chapter 2: Train Wreck” but we are also working on the comic version of our short story “Stay Centered.”


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