If you want a Seat at the Table you gotta take on THE 7!!

Alexander McCarty12508703_1021214007916630_1263349822216467938_n
Nom De Plume:
Alexander J McCarty
Creative Position:
Writer/Independent Publisher
Contact Info:
Growing up:
and now:
Watchmen and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
The 1 Superpower you want:
Power of persuasion
Artist: Gabriel McCarty

Editor: Rosemi Mederos

The7Deadly Questions

Do you think humans pride will have them fall to AI one day assuming we could control it?

I think if we don’t shift to veganism we will perish before our technology can even get that advance.


What Indie Title are you currently a huge fan of?

 Angel Boy

How far advanced do you the governments of the world are VS what we are allowed to see?

Far more advanced, but definitely still human

Is sexuality focused on too much in comic books?

Depends on the book. Violence is seen as more normal than sexuality. That’s the issue I see.


Will Robots be used to kill humans instead of soldiers in the near future??

 Predator drones already are killing humans.

What worse human Greed or the need to seem powerful, in your opinion and why?

Greed, but the most dangerous thing about humans is our ability to rationalize atrocities based on our anthropocentric worldview.

What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can learn form ?  

I didn’t market until after my book was released.

Well done  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :

I am a full time writer. Writing is my job. When I’m not writing, I’m watching or reading while getting inspired and taking notes. I want my book to be the best it can be. I’ve seen many anime and I am determined to raise the bar on action, story-telling and character development. I am currently working on my second book: The Hero of Sel and there will be many more books added to my series in the coming years. Lastly, I’m a vegan animal liberation activist so I have a unique perspective that I can bring to my writing to make it fresh and resonate with the reader in new ways.

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