Metalshark Bro A classic shark meets demon, demon transforms shark into a sharkman, shark vows vengeance on demon story. Oh yea…HEAVY METAL forever!



Metalshark Bro was born on the long and desolate highways of West Virginia. In the early hours of a brisk and foggy October morn, a weary writer by the name of Bob Frantz hears a radio DJ read a news story about scientist placing speakers blasting AC/DC in water to gauge the reaction of sharks. An idea went off like a bomb in Bob’s skull. Bob frantically phoned his friend and co-writer, the majestically bearded Kevin Cuffe to discuss this revelation! Over the next 7 hours, the two men giggled like stoned teenagers as the saga of the demonic, half-man, half-shark killing machine ravaged their sleep-deprived minds!

That’s what it is, but what’s it about…

Off the coast of Bali, a shark is chillin’ and looking for a bite to eat. Enter Beelzebra, the douchey nephew of Satan. On a whim, this douche interrupts this chill fish, transmuting him into a heinous anthropomorphic shark with a penchant for brutal murder. Thus is born METALSHARK BRO! All caps ’cause it’s so damn METAL!

Our boy, MSB, finds this situation totally heinous and not agreeable in the least.  Beelzebra promises to return Metalshark Bro back to normal if MSB collects (i.e. straight up kills) some sell-your-soul contract breakers.

MSB is down with that, hunting and murdering ain’t nothing new to him. So off he goes, tracking down the poor saps and they’re going down like groupies. Things are going as smooth as a power ballad until our finned fiend tracks down some old dude who lives at the top of some huge cliff.  Cliffs of Insanity huge. MSB thinks this dude’s going to be another pushover, but this pesky old bat is schooled in black magick and forces Metalshark Bro into a LSD-inspired battle across the ether! Fear and Loathing in Mordor!

Even with all his wizard-y powers, he’s no match for MSB and is severly slain.  With his work done, MSB can almost taste the sweet, salty sea.  However, Beelzebra, douche-bag supreme, goes back on his promise and refuses to return MSB back to his natural fishy state. Naturally, our hero vows revenge against his treacherous creator. That’s when things get really crazy!

It’s a classic shark meets demon, demon transforms shark, shark vows vengeance on demon story.

We’re talking eyeball monster wearing bowler hats, minotaurs, shield-maidens, necromancers, giant robots, and so so much more. Team Metalshark Bro is bringing the ruckus! And we want you to be a part of it!

Bob Frantz was live.
10 hours ago
metalshark bro is live on kickstarter! get involved! clink the link to find out more!!!

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