Princess Warriors #1: Cinderella, Snow White & Hylde CINDERELLA: Cavalry General, SNOW WHITE: Ninja Archer, HYLDE: Dark Elf. First issue, with appearances by Cowgirl Ninja & Mega Chomp 2/21

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Princess Warriors is a comic book series that tells the story of a rivalry between Cinderella and Snow White that spills over to include the characters from Oz, the Giant with the magic beanstalk, and Anna Bump’s Hylde, with appearances from MNP originals Mega Chomp and Cowgirl Ninja!

Princess Warriors concept

The stories of Cinderella and Snow White were being told and retold long before Walt Disney decided they belonged on the silver screen in animated form. In Mega Ninja Publishing’s take, the princesses evolve from light-hearted beauties to mothers and military leaders.

While MNP certainly has no problem with the traditional concept of a pretty princess and her charming prince living happily ever after, children should also be exposed to princesses who more closely resemble hands-on matriarchs-to-be like Leia, Xena or Zelda.

The Artists

Aleksandar Bozic truly captured the spirit of Mega Chomp’s character in our first children’s book. His talents go well beyond children’s art — what you see here is just the tip of the iceberg. You can check out more of his work here.

Souzza Rodrigo has worked with Mega Ninja Publishing on Dustin’s Caffeinated Cowgirl Ninja Niece, a YA comic book series illustrated by Line Art Studios. Like Bozic, Rodrigo has a strong sense of what we want from our characters, and manages to display them in all their manga-style glory.

The Creators

Anna Bump is an incredibly talented and dedicated Cosplayer. Unlike many of her peers, Anna creates costumes for characters of her own imagination. Hylde is the first of Anna’s creation to join the Mega Ninja Universe, will many more planned for future issues of Princess Wars.

Dustin Merle Smith‘s primary goal is writing stories that his nieces and nephews will read: the nieces and nephews that are the inspiration for One Man Crew, Hippie Wraak, Cowgirl Ninja and Mega Chomp. He enjoys the challenge of using the same characters and stories to create art and literature appropriate and engaging for children as young as preschool, too-cool-for-school teenagers, his (nearly) mid-life peers, and everyone in between.

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