TBT:: Jack Montgomery you the next contestant on The Answers Better be right or else!

Jack Montgomery14055142_1169453939786120_6256029197936130332_n
Nom De Plume:
Jack Stanley Montgomery
Creative Position:
Illustrator, Creator
Contact Info:
Growing up:
and now:
still.. Hellboy
The 1 Superpower you want:
Whatever X-Men’s Gambit had…except I’d throw something cooler. like sewing needles


The7Deadly   Questions

Want answers!

What is your proudest creation?genussanguine3
the work I’ve done so far on my upcoming comic SpaceSkull. 

What Indie comic book Title are you currently a huge fan of?
 I’ve been going back and reading Eastman and Laird’s TMNT from the beginning, really bizarre, rad stuff

genussanguine2What has been your favorite project to work on and why?
the comic Sanguine knights which I illustrated with creator Dave Jensen. It was a really fun and collaborative project. And we still have two more issues coming!

Is sexuality focused on too much in comic books?
No way, compared to all the violence depicted in American comic books, we’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m a huge fan of a lot of French and European work, and our comics read like Mr. Rogers in comparison.   

Do you think fan art is law breaking or  simply what  fans want?
 I always think it’s cool to see fan’s renditions of their favorite comic characters, but whenever a substantial amount of money is being made from someone else’s creations, that can get iffy 

page6blogIf you won the lottery and could buy an character you hat just to kill them who would it be and why?
Superman. I know he just died, but I can’t stand the guy. He’s a super hero that didn’t age well. I’d just buy Zach Snyder and force him to make another crappy movie to watch him die all over again.

What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can learn form ?  
Not taking every project that came my way. I would talk myself out of some cool projects cause i thought It’d be too much work, but i’ve since surprised myself with how much I can get done in a pinch, and some of my most quality work has come out of being on a tight schedule, and being forced to limit myself in creative ways.

Well done  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
“Some of my work is an acquired taste, but I’m a huge fan of old horror comics and Heavy Metal publications from the late 70s and early 80s. A lot of my work exists in the realm of psychedelic science fiction or post-apocalyptic dystopias, and I’m heavily influenced by the really graphic styles of Mike Mignola and Moebius, so when i get to create work that i really like i do stuff like SpaceSkull, which is a sci-fi comic I’ve been working on about the biological evolution of a planet after a massive war leaves all sentient life on the planet dead, and what bizarre new life evolves from all the chaos left behind. I basically just try to create the kind of work i like to stare at for hours on end from some of my favorite artists, really graphic and detailed artwork with dynamic storytelling to back up the killer imagery.”-Jack Montgomery

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