TBT::Pedro Mendes you wont be able to squirrel your way out of this one….

11069996_911395388880596_8531738928690919265_nNom De Plume:
Pedro Mendes (not very original i reckon)
Creative Position:
Penciler /comic book artist
Contact Info:
Growing up:
1502881_801466993206770_4591365363554273777_oand now:
It’s a tie between Scalped and 100 Bullets
The 1 Superpower you want:
(can you imagine those extreme sports getting even more extreme? like bungee jumping with no ropes )
Your Credits:
Little Black Girl
The Grime – Horror Anthology
H-Alt Antholgy

Running up a tree wont save you from:

The7Deadly  Questions

13507087_844124345691401_2914660457917301414_nHands down, what is the thing you are best at drawing? Ie body City Skyline, Flowers, Animal

I think faces, I really do enjoy drawing those big rugged bearded fellas. A good face can tell a story on it’s on via the wrinkles and scars and even the  beauty marks are all a part of it.


Who are the artists you are amazed by?
 The list is huge really, from big A list superstars to lesser known but equally talented folk in comics.
13620727_863160170454485_6645024882440905132_nDan Panosian is a monster, Sean Gordon Murphy simply blows me away when it comes to inking, Gary Erskine, Olivier Coipel, Mahmud Asrar, Ryan Ottley, Marc Silvestri, Jorge Coelho and everyones favourite Korean genius Kim Jung Gi and outside of comics Even Mehl Amundsend.

How do you pick the right projects to work on?  Do you require reading the story first?
I don´t require reading the whole story, but I do tend to know the story before I commit, so I 13512006_849234375180398_7181523306494335535_ndon’t end up being way over my head swamped with a story to epic in scale or way outta my league.
Usually people approach me with a small pitch of the project and later send me detailed stuff, I  do favor certain genres that I get a kick out of, and  I guess it shows on the finished product, whether the artist was really enjoying himself while doing it.

Are you careful how you draw women proportions to make them look human and not like a sex doll ?13669199_863160023787833_6225218833398225255_n
I´m not careful as a policy against future drama, I believe everything has it´s place. If  the character has a huge sex presence or it is a part of the character that sex appeal, then I think it´s fine.
I do however hate those Bikini armor type of depictions in comics, the gratuitous display of the body and such are simply dreadful.  It even hinders the story and the immersion of it, so I tend to depict normal proportionate bodies and adequate to the type of story.

uhWhy do you think despite being illegal, Fan art is popular and do you think it is ok to sell?
 I think most people enjoy certain characters and properties and enjoy drawing them that’s where it all began making art of stuff you are a fan of and the appeal comes from mashing it up with other stuff sometimes stuff that wouldn´t even relate to the character/property in the first place but by some fans magic it does.
I’m all for it, heck some artists began their careers by doing such things, the part when it gets commercial, that’s the tricky part. I mean your selling someones characters with a spin on it.  If you do it on a regular basis, it might get some heat. But to each their  own, I’m not a fan of selling fan art, I think the energy would be better spent trying to create something unique and original!

,When people make good money for a public project people from their past suddenly show up.  When you make it big how would you deal with your past coming to knock on your door looking for a handout ?
Making it big..it is a relative concept, I mean, what is BIG for some, might be average for others. But indulging the question, I´m all for supporting fellow artists and creators, and if an email or conversation  from me can help showcase someones talent I might help out. As  for handouts not related to the medium, I can only say that people will appreciate success so much more if earned and not given cheaply.

indexWhat mistakes are Indie artist making and how can the fix the mistake?  
Story wise some folks try to out do the Big Two on their own turf, like trying to come up with the perfect super hero story, without the hype machine, marketing, continuity and all the stuff that goes behind it.
To me there’s so much more to a good story than super heroes, even on that subject Image are showing that other stuff can be made, with the awesome invincible among others.
Think of all the incredible stories out there like Black Science Southern Bastards Saga and many others that go against the super hero norm.
Artists in singular there´s not a single fault I would add I have met a lot of awesome and helpful people and know that if people gather resources and stick together we can bring so much awesomeness and interesting projects to light just by working together.

Pedro Mendes You have saved you nuts for Now go enjoy the Sinful delight of Self Promotion :

I went to the last Glasgow Comic Con, last month to the launch of the latest book i drew, written masterfully by James McCulloch. it´s a thriller about a seeming normal blue-collar worker who hides some secrets in his basement,he kidnaps girls and well..its very cool and very dark.

Sadly my Con calendar stopped there,since I still have some issues to do.

I´m very responsive on my page and actually try to answer everyone there, if people like my work and follow it I owe them that. I mean it’s the least I can do.

Right now I´m wrapping up the first issue of Hotel Hell, in which Hell is a Hotel, and every room is the guests worst nightmare!
But with the Hotel almost to full capacity there is an inspection coming up  and all sort of mayhem is about break loose.

And I am prepping the layouts for issue 3 of The Little Girl Black

Thanks for the opportunity,it was a treat 😉



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