The Dupreed Report:: I’m the artist from 5 Blades and I got DUPREED

Let’s Begin with the FACT Marcel is a Fan and reading this, be sure to subscribe to find out all we uncovered about in this now Weekly Thread.

This week in ‘I got DUPREED’

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I’m the artist from 5 Blades. I had to write this to all my friends and family that help fund the kickstarter for that book that has yet to be produced. You can add me to this article as well.

“It pains me to write this post. As some of you know I’ve been working vigorously to make comics since 2013. I have made very little success up until this point. I thought I found an opportunity to do art for a book working for a small boutique of a company called Evoluzione Publishing. The Owner and Creator by the name of Marcel Dupree approached me with his book ‘5 Blades’ with the intention of having me draw his story with a number of other creators and writers that work with him. I was hesitant to take on the project seeing how most of his books were funded through Kickstarter.

Eventually, I took on the project, seeing as he had so much success and seemingly produced issue after issue of books. It was a grueling process working with him from the get-go. Unfortunately, I swallowed my frustration and focused on producing and promoting his story. After I finished the book (around 6 months ago), I asked when he would do his part to produce this book with his team seeing how people funded the project and supported my creative outlets along with paying me the rest of the money for producing this book (60 pages of comic). I heard nothing back. I continued to asked for updates every week, and then every so often until his Facebook account disappeared. I was still in touch with some of the other people that worked on the project as far as assisting with the writing and editing and his letterer for the book. To my surprise, they had also not heard from Marcel and had also expressed concerns about the book not being produced and also working on it and not getting paid.

I started noticing through weaved connections on Facebook that more kick-starters were being produced With his Name attached to them as creator making more money for books that will most likely never be seen. I then started searching for other ways to reach him and eventually found him on Instagram (Also promoting books).

After month of nothing he finally responded. That response I will make public in the comment section. For those that supported the book I will fight for your refund. If you message me after you see this I will add you to a list of people who were also screwed by this individual. I worked hard to make that book, not just for money. I take this very seriously. And I apologize for those that help me through the finish-line. This article was produce with other’s listing the fraudulent behavior of this individual.”-Lamar M

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More Delays…

More Creators left in the Dark



in Bright news

from an article, we are mentioned in

And Marcel you need to read this about Email Lists and how

Kickstarter feels about people using them when

they are bought from others:



BE WARNED this is one of His Back with Caution you may never see it

Want to tell Marcel how you are feeling about him? Click the link below and message him or comment on his posts asking your question:Image may contain: text

The latest Tweets from Marcel Dupree (@Marcel_Dupree). I am a #Writer and #Publisher of #Comics. #Creator of Armor-I and #DelilahBlast. San Diego, CA

The Following was Given to us by a Talented Artist that fell prey to The DUPRESS NON PAYMENT GAME, UNDERSTAND wasting Artists, Programmers, Editors time is THEFT and if it was done with an agreement work non-payment makes it a Crime.  This what happens in the Artist’s own words.::

Hi, Rob!
Firstly, thanks so much for going to bat for the creators in this community!
Attached here you will find screen shots of emails sent between myself and Marcel Dupree regarding a cover I was hired to do for him for a series called “Soul Pact” back in late 2018.
Marcel saw some of my work on Facebook, expressed that he was impressed, and offered me a cover job for $100. Normally my covers go for $350-$600, depending on the complexity, but because I was under the impression that Marcel had a line of successful Kickstarters and the art he posted looked professional, I agreed to the deal in order to establish what I hoped would become a professional relationship that might reap future benefits.
Everything went well at first—I sent a sketch, which he approved on FB Messenger, and then proceeded to complete about 90% of the art. He specified at one point that he wanted the colors adjusted, since the illustration featured a black woman character and he wanted the skin tone to be darker (please note that the colors I was initially using, including the character’s skin tone, were pulled from examples that Marcel sent me—he changed his mind about them when the art was almost done). I told him no problem and launched into making the requested changes. The last time I heard from marcel I had sent him an update and he had replied “Looks good.”
After that last conversation about the skin tone, I ceased to receive any contact from Marcel. I continued to message him, asking what he needed next (if anything) and requesting payment. He never replied to any of my inquiries and ghosted me. I continued to send him courtesy invoice reminders for the $100 and polite messages, which he ignored.
After Marcel ghosted me and failed to pay me for my labor, I was contacted by Marcelo Trom, the creator and artist of Infinite Punishment. (Marcel had supposedly been in the process of publishing IP for Marcelo and had run a successful Kickstarter totaling several thousand dollars. However, when the project was funded, Marcel refused to pay Marcelo his portion of the proceeds. Marcelo withdrew his art and intellectual property as a result.) Marcelo had heard of my situation and sent me the Bleeding Cool article illustrating Marcel’s miserable track record of running multiple Kickstarters at once and then cutting and running with the funds without fulfilling backer or artist/creator obligations. Marcelo also told me that “Soul Pact”, the series I had agreed to do the cover for, was a ripoff of Infinite Punishment! 
Sadly, Marcelo has since passed away, but the article he sent gave me the ammo I needed to pursue what was owed me. After sending more unsuccessful payment reminders and being blocked on Facebook by Mr. Dupree, I called him out publicly in January of 2020.
He responded with a scathing email advising that he was not obligated to pay me because he did not like the art (it did not look like a “black woman”, according to him, even though I had referenced art examples HE sent me) and had not used the cover. He provided a pathetic cop-out excuse that he had not had the heart to tell me how bad my work was at the time, and this was reason enough to ghost me. I promptly fired back, calling him out on his ridiculous excuse for not paying after 90% of the art was complete, and asking why he hired me in the first place if my work was so shitty. I have since ignored his responses and archived them, as I know he has no intention of paying me, and I do not have the time to entertain a con man’s bitterness over $100. At least there will be the small pleasure in knowing that the public is being made aware of his hypocrisy and he will (hopefully) redeem himself or be shut out of the publishing industry altogether.
Please note that there are portions of the screen shots that are blacked out to hide sensitive, personal, or financial information not relevant to the information provided above.
Please let me know if you need anything else from me. I would love to see this madness resolved for all of us.
Kind regards,

Dani Smith

and Sadly Dani is not ALONE another artist reached out today

Vinz El Tab

and we know what Chuck Pineau said Image may contain: 1 person

but now we heard from 

Kevin Parent Roditeli

We have seen the Community rise against this INDIE CON MAN. Share the INFO and Stop him from EXPLOITING IP’s… YEAH, he brags about exploiting Creators IP’s.


We got this sent to us as his Trail of imprints he hides behind

Marcel Dupree No longer on FB

/ Evoluzione Publishing

/ Class E

No photo description available.

/ No Sleep

/ 500 Lines Media


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Image may contain: possible text that says 'Alphe Fruin don't know if I'm a victim or a misunderstanding. I told them I'm not backing the next issue until get the first issue. Than he put the blame on me UUIUR Reply 16m t'Image may contain: text

We have Found Marcel and he is Hidding Here Brytani Danelle, He claims to be his Cousin but as someone who has spoken to him that him and as seen in the Thread its only about how much money he makes. He won’t address anything and always makes it about money. I let it go one to show you who he IS. Its time people stopped defending him there was another thread we will talk about but for now, here is where he outed himself (Rob AnderSiN reporting) ::

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As for another Thread that did not go well for Marcel ::

Yesterday at 12:27 PM

Some more Information


Image may contain: textImage may contain: textImage may contain: textYesterday at 5:08 PM

Yesterday at 5:08 PM




What does being an Advocate for Indie Comics Mean? Most days it just honestly being a cheerleader and sharing some amazing creations and work. Other days it’s about Navigating Egos and people who struggle with self-importance over being a genuinely good person, and while those are challenging days you will never hear me talk about them publicly. I myself only respond to people after they call me out.  I do not make it a habit nor will I to publicly air dirty laundry.

With that said and going back to the idea What does being an Advocate for Indie Comics Mean, Some of that has to be about warning people about dangerous situations that can affect creators. We simply cannot pretend to not see the bad things happening and stay Silent. While it is rare that we feel compelled to take action on this site it happens when need be. And that need is now.

Before we begin let me start by apologizing to all effected, I let a friendship guide me instead of taking a step back and truly looking at it myself as a Journalist.  I defend a Freind wanting and hoping that he was who I believed. the last year has proven me wrong and I am sorry.  One Year ago when Bleeding Cool called out a fellow Creator named Marcel Dupree. At the time I thought they were attacking him out of jealous, or worse and I went as far as to name call the site bleeding ads, which it does, but still, that’s unprofessional and I am sorry.  Truth be told I didn’t read till after making statements, my personal involvements with him and other creators I knew worked for me made me want to see only good and yet I was horribly wrong.

After standing with Marcel Dupree people I respected and admire got mad at me and privately messaged me, informing me I was on the wrong side.  Then rolled in all those who Marcel Dupree  Screwed over. In  All Honesty in the year since standing with him, I have not a single month where someone, in fact, multiplies someones, have come to me to tell me things about his unethical practices and dishonest deeds. However, in that year few felt able to come forward out of fear as He owns their IPs for now, and are worried about what he would do with them.  In INDIE COMICS we are taught to take abuse and walk away. It’s a sad truth, when we get screwed over we are counseled to take it and move on. It’s a small pond and everyone knows who is pissing in it we are told.   But here is the truth, its no longer a small pond, its an ocean big enough to hide especially when people like me will blindly defend people over friendship.

 Needless to say, I read the article and started noticing trends that are alarming. I called him out on his threads for what he was doing and even offered him air time, but as a Publisher, he doesn’t do press or more than 2 conventions a year.  That is a FACT. Here is another FACT,  instead of addressing my concerns, he choose to attack my creations said I was jealous cause he makes more money on Kickstarter. He made it about attacking me so he didn’t have to answer a question and as a Backer of multiple missing projects I had every right to ask those questions. When I wouldn’t take his bait and others came into my aid to call him out he blocked me and ran back to his echo of the chamber of its not your fault, as he has done to many creators and backers that dare questions him. In fact, he was kicked off of Facebook and a message about it being because he was spam profile lives in place of his profile.

 SO a year later I knew we had to do something. I had someone compile the list below for me. For now, they will be credited as another victim of Dupree but over time we hope to get all the victims to come forward to have one of 2 things happen

1 Marcel Stops his unethical practices, Pays the creators that he owes,

deliveries on all Kickstarter or give refunds and gives a public apology.


2 We make enough Noise that everyone knows not to work with him or back

his projects and he goes away never to be seen again.


 Now before you read the list here is another list of accusations about Marcell Dupree and know, we Invite Marcell Dupree to come on a

LIVE VIDEO, No editing no pretaped no excuses, LIVE VIDEO, 

to address all the following being said about him. HE should know we have over a Dozen Creators who said they would be willing to be on that video to answer anything he says.

The following is a list of accusations we have been told about him and Stress without seeing his books or screenshots as of right now they are accusations made by others and not this site. We have been offered screenshots and as our investigation continues and we hope this article brings more creators and backers forward as we being to pile Up evidence against him, but for now, know these are the accusations we have been told, leveled against Marcel Dupree and we are inviting him to discuss them on, again, a LIVE BROADCAST.  Here is the list is given to us by Creators that work for him and Backer who felt screwed by him::

IP theft,

Not Paying for Work,

Co-Mingling funds, In other words using the money he raises for Project X on a different project he thinks, will do better and delaying  project X,   

Using Work he has not paid,

Trying to get a creator to quit by being abusive,

Blaming creators for poor quality work for his delays, and a reason to not pay them, while the issue called out is a minute detail or something new after many revisions. It should be noted most contract only allow for 2-3 revisions,

Stealing Money from Kickstarters for personal use,

Not Fulfilling KICKSTARTERS,

Shipping Copies to his Freinds of Books so they post it online while not shipping to most of the other backers,

Not giving Creators Copies of Books they were promised,

Suddenly disappearing when he owes money,

Not using Contracts so he can Screw people over ( Be Warned Contact to save you form Dupree’s), 

Bashing creators, he knows he’s gonna screw over so they seem wrong, and he does it while pretending to be their friends, which I experienced as he tried to do this to me. I also know he talks behind people’s backs and Words got back to me when he talks about me and others,

Changing terms of original agreements, or flat out refusing to pay for work already done, and hiring people who clear their schedules to do work that never get work because he is out of money and so are they now because of not taking other jobs,

Understand every time you Back his campaigns you are empowering abuse to happen to Creators and Backers alike.  This is the line in the sand and the list below is taken from KICKSTARTER itself, with some commentary from a frustrated Creator, one of many. This is only the 1st of many stories we will run about Marcell Dupree and Evoluvzione or any imprint he hides behind which we will be exposing in the next few weeks how he hides . Understand as an ADVOCATE it is my Duty to protect creators form this behavior as well as the fans.  Because my hands are dirty with his Lies it’s personal to me now.


  1. Bleeding Cool called out Marcell Dupree about a year ago and let’s check out Evoluzines Kickstarters work and see if things have changed First lets just look at the KICKSTARTERS MENTIONED in the ARTICLEAngelica Reigns  1-3 – People are still claiming they didn’t get 1,2 OR 3 in the UPDATES. They are still in production of issue 3 (So, we hear) with a STOLEN SCRIPT from the Writer Brian Hawkins (Per his own words on the Kickstarter) Issue 3 was supposed to be delivered by the end of the Month. (We will see)KASAI – Marcell Durpee claims to have shipped all the books. There are no new post claiming that they received but many posts claiming they didn’t after his “Shipped post”Delilah Blast – Again he claims to have shipped but many claiming they didn’t receive with no response.Armor 1-3 – It appears that he got all these books out!! Good for him but his delay made it so ARMOR 4 didn’t fund.

    Gentleman 1-2 – It appears that Gentleman 1 has fully shipped and everyone loved it. However, issue 2 was supposed to be out in AUGUST 2019 and it still hasn’t seen the light of day. There is a report that art was being worked on in NOVEMBER but no update since.

    Harpies 1-2– 1 was Suppose to ship in September 2018 but finally went out March of 2019. However, there are many people for ISSUE 2 that are claiming they never got them and are demanding a refund. Marcel is ignoring most of there concerns and pleas.

    Harpies Origins 1-2 (Aradia) – This one is a MESS!! He claimed to have shipped at CHRISTMAS but no one is claiming to have seen the book. (ANYA) Now, ANYA is not late yet however if you take a look at the comments there are tons of people who would like there HARPIES book mostly being ignored by the publisher.

    ex-mortis – We can assume this hasn’t been shipped since there is no update and comments asking when they will get there book.

    P.O.M – Issue 1 & 2- No delivery has happened everyone is looking for there book and being ignored they are complaining they didn’t get it. NO RESPONSE AND IGNORED. (This, however, is supposedly not an EVOLUZIONE PUBLISHED BOOK) The WORST part is the book is done and in PDF form.

    WilloWisp – AFTER BEING SUSPENDED BY KICKSTARTER 1-2 have shipped. He did get Issue 2 shut down for having multi-accounts, but he seems to resolve it. No one is complaining and it appears these books were sent.

    Avery The Astonishing – Jumped shipped and did their own kickstarter. Sadly, this one is also having problems shipping but that isn’t on Marcell.


    Spotti Entertainment – This is not a  EVOLUZIONE spinoff company-(( TO BE CLEAR “As I was in the begining of it, I was introduced to Trom. I said that it was too much for me to handle and did not wanted to do. But he said he would take care. The rest everybody knows.Is public. Today Spotti Etertainment is my page to show my work and do my books. I no longer work with Evoluzione(More than 1 year) never got a copy of my book too. -taken form a Ruby Update”) He was part of it for only a short bit and now has not dealing with it))  has 3 books (Infinite Punishment, Ruby and Dion 1&2) with NOTHING BEING SENT OUT!! This is over $23,000 that hasn’t been shipped to any backer!!! Both Infinite Punishment and Ruby and Dion have moved there books else were to hope to keep publishing their dreams after being taken by Marcell Dupree ( editor note Infinite Punishment was produced and given for free as a pdf to all backers despite Marcel keeping the money. The REAL Creator Marcelo Trom would put out 4 issues before suddenly passing. He spent the last of his creative life trying to Fix his reputation that Marcel Damaged by spreading lies about him. How horrible is that?  He tried to stand against Marcel but no one listened. )

    DOG DAYS – This book is over a year late. They claim to be working on it but the writer is often making videos calling for the publisher Marcell Dupree to pay for the art or work on the production. They claim to be done by FEB.

    BANGIN BUNZ – Claims to have been shipped but many are reporting they didn’t get it and want there a money back. So, it appears SOME shipped but not all

    Ma’Ari 1&2 – There is a few complaints (What marcel project doesn’t have complaints) but it appears 1&2 have shipped. Why he launched 3 before fulfilling the first 2 we will never be known.

    The Last Line – Stole 4,000 or so from the creator and has never attempted to ship or do any work. (That’s per the creator)

    Sword Theory – Well if you didn’t get your KICKSTARTER reward at least you can get it on WEBTOONS!! This book was shipped to some but many are still asking for there money back.

    Valhalla Awaits – This was funded and it appears that random backers are getting there packages but not everyone. They claimed to have shipped but well lots of his projects claim that.

    Soul Pact 1-2 – Issue 2 is a mess no one has got there books and are all waiting on a variant. It appears that issue 1 shipped but way later than expected. People are waiting for there books but they may get this one by the end of 2020.

    Cicada – A RARE find in this search for all the Marcell Durpee projects!! This one was a little late but everyone got there book. 1 out of 50 isnt bad right?

    Le Fay – So, issue 1 isnt fully shipped since they have tons of complaints but that didn’t stop him for making 13,000 on ISSUE 2 this month. Its crazy what happens when you remove your logo from a book and don’t be honest with your backers.

    Kris Kole– This book came out right after the last article and doesn’t have his backing money the others have. There has been NO UPDATE OF VALUE! NO NEW ART!! NO WORK BEING DONE!

    Love University – So, issue 1 shipped some books. It seems to be a new tactic from “CLASS E” AKA Marcell Dupree if you ship some you can then pretend they are all shipped!!  Issue 2 is live right now on KICKSTARTER if you want to take your chances.

  2. Villain – For the most part this project was ok. Many issues along the way but he made good normally a year or 2 later but made good in time

  3. P.I.S 1&2/ CHASE – A bunch of books that haven’t been delivered. They have sent the PDF but seems to be a lot of them NOT SHIPPED

    Knight 1-3 – So, this is one of the earliest projects and there are TONS of people who didn’t get various issues from 1-3. He said a new batch was printed and shipped this month but no one is reporting that they got them

  4. TurnKey – If you live in the USA. You more than likely got your book a few months late. However, if you are overseas odds are you haven’t got anything. This project was HOT for Kickstarter and sadly these delays have caused the love of this book to dwindle and the creators apologizing for MARCEL’S mistakes

    Mine To Avenge – The creative team seems to keep pushing this book out regardless of how much the Evoluzione publishing brand hurts them. Thankfully, issue 3 funded and the creator will make sure you get your books but this should be a flagship book but its comments are filled with people upset about the practices of the publisher

    Babylon Working – This is supposed to ship this month but there is already an UPDATE SAYING NOT SHIPPING ON TIME!! We will see how long this delay is or if it’s one of the books that never get finished. In November page 6 was complete… don’t hold your breath.

  5. This Old House – Lots of people still waiting on there book. Its seems this is another half ship or a not international ship.

    Heavy – Suspended by KICKSTARTER

    Marassa – TONS OF PEOPLE REPORTING NO SHIPPING for ISSUE 2!!! Issue 1 seems like it was taken care of but a huge delay for most backers on ISSUE 2

    Crowding Of Dragos – SUSPENDED by KICKSTARTER

    5-BLADES – If you love PDF comics then this is all you will be getting!! There has been no printed book shipped regardless of its Jun 2019 estimated SHIP DATE!!! We will see what happens from here.

    We are not sure if we missed any but from what we can tell at least 30,000.00 worth of books have little or ZERO work completed since the Kickstarter layout. We have reports of him owning the creator’s money and not attempting to finish books. When will Kickstarter do something??? All these facts are from his kickstarter updates or from various facebook response. We are sure that there is some information that may be not 100% correct above but we do know that it’s more CORRECT then wrong

    If you need to reach MARCEL go ahead and reach out below

    If you have yet to receive an order feel free to let me know at

-Final Editorial Note, Please send all screenshots and information you have on Marcel Dupree GOOD and BAD to so we can report the truth. Title it The Ballet of Marcell Dupree


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