THROWBACK THREAD:: The Creative Process Cheat Sheet

The Creative Process


The Creative Process


People are going to try to drag you down and worse hurt you. You need to be your biggest fan for this reason, because the second the hate comes you know its ok because you enjoy what your creating so F-em


The Creative Process::

Likes, Wow and Love feel great but a Share shows true Support!


The Creative Process

Creators aren’t gods out side of the worlds that they created!

I see the new group of big publisher creators in shiny booths at cons and older creators are not. The older are often seeking attention as their time has ended. Who they where will determine there success.

This will happen to us all. It a up and down ride.

On the way up some start thinking more of themselves than they should. Others understand the gift they got in their lifetime, being able to be paid to create.

The point is no matter if you are just starting or finishing we all remain just plain old folks. Those of you who are talented and kind at the same time will never loose fans. Neal Adams , Stan Lee will always have lines and respect. Aim to be them. Never think you are better than others because you aren’t. No human is better than the next. There are just worse acting people, but they aren’t beneath you.

I talk to creators now from Marvel and DC and the Indys. Those who make it always seem to have this spark of fandom and are always genuine and are just like us. They aren’t ego hounds. Those with egos like CM Punk don’t stick around, because they act better than others and no one like that shit.

Life is ugly but you don’t have to be.

Encourage and support each other. We are all creators, no matter our sales. We all have a epic story to tell. We are all just folks

The Creative Process 7-7-16

Do not bother trying to cure stupid.

I see daily dozens of misinformation on the net. I see so much my team is better nonsense. I see so much stupid.

Every day I remind myself it’s not my job to cure it

It’s not my job to get involved

It’s not my job to cure stupid.

Ideal we should be able to use facts but truthfully people use block button when you make sense

So the next time you see so thing stupid posted before you respond think is this worth it really for me?? If it’s not run away from the topic. No need to try to cure they world of an epidemic that will wage for as long as humans breath


The Creative Process:

A Business model:

Before you print your first comic you need to have a plan. Before you hire with an artist you need to know costs and rewards. Before you start a kickstarter have a business model on how you will make your money back.

Now I cant tell you how to do this because everyone will have a different path here is the top 5 thing you need to understand before putting your comic for sale:

1 Capital before you begin have the money ready to spend. Do not promise money you do not have.

2 A sales plan. How are you going to sell your comic

3 Knowing all of your costs. Including your shipping

4 A plan for promotion and advertising . You should already be building a net work and today you should begin building a fan base. FANS are gonna make or break you.

5 Find a new artist, creator to team up with at cons. This is a game changer. Be ready to share hotel rooms and table with creators start making friends and colleagues you can do this with TODAY. DOn’t wait for a week from now. in Numbers success comes faster.


The Creative Process 7-6-16

You don’t own Facebook!

Ok as the kids says let’s get real, and stop throwing shade everywhere.

I see creators constantly posting shit they know could cause different opinions and then ban people who don’t agree. How Fucking Childish. You know 1st off as a creator you should try to steer clear of certain topics. Now if you do post something and your friend disagrees with you and you block them your an asshole.

Only an asshole expects people to never disagree and have a different opinion.

I see so many great creators on here getting so frustrated by other doing this nonsense. Look real talk you better off with out close minded people.

If you have ever blocked a human being you once called a friend with out a conversation you are an asshole. It’s true. Your value system need to be looked at. Your Facebook Drunk. Someone unfriended me never told me why and even blocked me. Written Sins has seen some traction and they friend requested me.

I didn’t change who I am and since you never told me what I did I am gonna assume I am gonna do it again and offended you so much you are gonna block me again with out telling me why, so why re friend me?

But I accepted. Why because I am a better person. I am here to network and I am secure enough in who I am and what I believe to be ok with people having different opinions than me. Are you strong enough not to be around ass kissers

Look if you can’t Handel a different opinion don’t post shit on a public site. When you post something you are shoving your opinion down my throat how dare you not expect me not to have an opinion. Thats just fucking childish. You want to block me stick around find your moment and bitch me out than block me. There is a fucking process people.

Now kidding aside I hope you all get that this is Facebook which mean it’s a giant room with everyone talking at once and everyone listening at once. Don’t say things out loud you don’t want others to respond to if you can’t Handel the feed back.


The Creative Process

Sharing others Work

Remember by supporting other they will support you. Its that simple do not lat a few selfish people to believe other wise.


The Creative Process Live From Miami Super Con

The Con Truth: Shit Happens.

So shit so going to go wrong at least once if not a lot. As a NYCC vet for 10 years as a ticket holder I am a pro. Mistake are few and I have it down to a Science.

Enter Miami:

So far this what I have dealt with:

Bad links on old business card a major fuck up that I fixed, transit issues as shuttle service is spotty and not on an actual schedules as I am in the Miami Heat sweating while writing this. There are wifi issues, I am having issues with the Host provider Blushost who we use to run all the websites I lost an hour today of con time trying to fix it with their help, a giant whale got my phone wet so it’s acting funny, the guy next door coughed all night so I guess that’s a present for later, my son who was here with my wife had a tooth ache and we where up all nite making me miss a lot of sat at the con, it’s hot you get sweaty and you go into AC, my wife left Miami with my car keys and I had to wait for her to come back so I missed more con.

This all happened

I am frustrated and stressed I am tired l, late and my throat hurts thanks next door neighbor for bring me the plague.

Guess what the Con Truth is I need to get over it. This Miami Supercon is an opportunity. When my wife and son left for the second time I was worried he was gonna scream the whole 3 hour trip and stress my wife out. I was upset and worried. I had to get over it. And I did. I went late and focused on Cosplay. Thats what I need to do to make what I want to accomplish successfully.

We often stand in our own ways. Retail taught me this the world does not care how you feel or what you are going through. It’s on you to perform at all times because your success is your responsibility

Shit happens that’s life get use to it and move on. I didn’t waste my time making Facebook posts about everything that went wrong . I worked on interviews instead. I created new social media addon to the Written Sins Network. I fixed my mistakes.

Your Success is your responsibility!!

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