The Story of Cock and Balls (no its not what you think)

The Adventures of Cock-Man and Ball-Boy by  Flex Muscle


Very recently, I watched an interesting video on Facebook.  A young women working in a fast-food restaurant dropped a bun on the floor of the kitchen. Ideally you want to pick the bun up and throw it away, that’s not what happened in this case. The young lady rubbed the bun on the ground a few times before she picked it up.  Once the bun was off the floor it still didn’t make it to a trash can. The young lady put mayonnaise on it and continued making the sandwich. The horrific thought of eating something that was rubbed on a dirty kitchen floor wasn’t the worst thought I had while watching the video.  I couldn’t help but to think, “Wow, even after watching that, people won’t stop eating fast food.”

Food has become quite an epidemic in our country as well as the world. In our part of the world, people want their food as fast and cheap as they can get it. The convenience of these expedient and in-expensive meals has made fast-food a solid part of our culture. Breakfast, lunch and dinner people are lined up to shell out their money for a Benard Mason finishedpowerful combination of salt and sugar. Extravagant sauces and bacon have an incredible hold on people.  Avenues such as documentaries have brought great light to this epidemic.  I’d like to shine a little light on the subject myself in a manner that’s a little more comical. I’d like to introduce the world to the on-going adventures of Cock-Man & Ball-Boy. A southern gladiator and a northern warrior unite against a common enemy that uses the food industry as his main pipeline of influence. I encourage you to read on, it gets real interesting.  

Austin Alan (a.k.a. Cock-Man) was home-schooled on a farm. His parents started a natural food business that expanded to the city. Their company threatened other food business and even put some out of business. Those failing businesses merged together for survival, then became bullies and thugs, inevitably dabbling in all facets of crime. Eventually Austin’s parents were murdered by this new union of criminals, and all Austin had left from the farm he loved dearly was his pet rooster that faithfully woke him up every morning.

Connor Jones (a.k.a. Ball-Boy) is a young and gifted mixed martial artist who tore his way through the amateur ranks. The union of failing business that murdered Austin’s family asked young Connor to throw a fight that would have launched his fighting career into the big leagues. Connor refused and was attacked after winning his fight. He was saved by Cock-Man who was working solo against the union at that point. The two united against this common enemy.

Austin already had a suit fashioned after his only living memory of the farm, his faithful rooster. However he couldn’t convince his new partner Connor to don a disguise. One night, while roof-running to their first official mission, Connor finally gave in to Austin’s badgering about a uniform.  To appease Austin, he broke into a sporting goods store and swiped a tennis ball boy’s uniform off of a mannequin. A glimpse of the duo was caught on security footage and the media bestowed upon them the names “Cock-Man & Ball-Boy.”

The duo defends the city of St. Richard against The Union, which is led by a very dangerous man named Bernard “Big Business” Mason. Mason realized that he can use the food epidemic in this country to gain power over the masses. When Mason and his suited associates can’t stop the Cock, they try hiring assassins to stop the duo. The duo has stopped assassins by the name of “The Clap, Four-Skin, Crab-Man, and Scorn.” Cock-Man and Ball-Boy have dedicated their lives to stopping Mason and also keeping his parents dream alive of changing the world with natural food and healthy living.

Food in one way or another truly an epidemic in our country and this project is just a fun way to shine a little light and bring a little more awareness to the topic. I really hope to show people through this comedic project that we don’t need to depend on the horrible nutrition that’s shoved into our face every day. I guess just like Austin and his parents, just trying to make a difference.

One thought on “The Story of Cock and Balls (no its not what you think)

  1. Its original, whimsical, funny, and well written! I cant wait to see the depths of your creativity take the world by storm!

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