THROW BACK THREAD:: This Interviews Got a Hell of an Ending .

Stephen ang
Nom De Plume:
Creative Position:
Writer and director. And actor
Contact Info:
Growing up:
and now:
Walking dead
The 1 Superpower you want:
Fb Stephen ang
Your Credits:
October, city of chaos, a midnight robbery, a tragic romance


The7Deadly   Questions

Why is October worth a Movie Ticket and not the Boring February film ?
It is a original horror film that people who love Rob zombie films and alice in wonderland will love and I’m sure October will become a cult classic.


Who are the Film makers that have inspired you ?
 Rob zombie, Quentin tarantino, Martin scorcese, Stanley kubrick, Peter jackson, Steven spielberg, 

Would you classify this as a suspense horror or something else and why?
Horror dark comedy, and because it’s a horrific story about rape and murder and the dark comedy is Jack the rabbit who is a dark yet kind of comical character you can’t help but love even though he’s a psycho killer 

We noticed Nudity wasn’t shown in your film, is that a personal choice to stay away from nudity or was it just not scripted? And do you think nudity is over used in horror films to fill the voids in the stories?
I did not have the money to get her naked. And the race scene was originally an orgy at a drughouse apartment. Sex and nudity sells but not required to make a great horror.

We noticed a lot of messed up shit going on in that movie how much of that comes from personal experience vs imagination ??
 It was all imagination cause I wanted to make a fucked up disturbing movie. So I think I succeeded.

How Much will it take to fund this project and how are you going to raise that amount ?
I’m not sure I’m pretty creative so I may be able to make it for 10 thousand. The first one was made on 1000

What have you learned so far that will help you going forward ?  
You have to make your own dreams come true.

Drugs are something we seem unable to shake as humans  do you think people who use drugs are missing out on life or do drugs really make life better?

They make life better. 420

This can be a very disturbing and upsetting movie for some to watch, do you as a creator worry about the effect your story might have on someone watching it or is it not something you think about?
Its a fucked up movie. It has incest, rape and murder. It was suppose to disturb you. If your disturbed I did my job. This movie isn’t for everyone especially children.

Well done  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
All I will say is I’m tired of old Hollywood reboots and over used cgi with no story. I want to bring back the old style of movies. Practical effects with great stories and characters you can relate to.

We know, Where is the Color Right?  Where are all the pics? Where is the Witty stuff?   Why Just Black and White and Boring?  BECAUSE WHAT COMES NEXT IS AMAZING FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER WE BRING YOU A FULL LENGTH MOVIE, GO  TO FUND HIM at the link below AND THAN SIT BACK AND ENJOY THIS:

Fund a Unique Horror Thriller where content matters over gore 

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