Todd Black the election and The Deadly Question have voted… and your NEXT!

todd-black Name:Todd Black
Creative Position:Creator/Writer
Contact Info:Todd BlackFAVORITE COMIC BOOK:
Growing up:Batman
and now:Champions
The 1 Superpower you want:Flight
Location:St. Joseph, IL
Your Credits:
Creator/Writer of Guardians ongoing
Creator/Writer of Home miniseries.

Writer of Avatar: Spirit of Earth

The7 Deadly   QueStIoNS


13697058_1767025916889520_3702818130763909170_nWhat have you been a part of creating that you can’t help but brag about?
Comic books! lol. I have two series under my name, and that’s something no one can take away. I love saying that I made Guardians, and I made Home, and that these are my worlds, my characters, my stories. It’s a very cool feeling.

What Indie Title are you currently a huge fan of?
I see a lot of cool indie titles. Some of them are mainstream even. I like the Power Ranger comic at Boom, that’s a great one. I wish I had gotten to read the Samurai Jack comic from IDW when it was going on.
There’s a lot of good stuff out there, and I support a lot of my fellow creators on Kickstarter. There’s great talent and stories out there if you go looking.

What is a Dream Project of yours??14495511_1812185972333976_2365060111890564152_n
I would LOVE to work for DC Comics or Marvel. For DC, I actually know the books I would want to write.
I would want to do a SHAZAM! ongoing, or a Poison Ivy ongoing. Both are great characters I feel very strongly about, and I feel its time for their stories to be told in a good way.

Is sexuality focused on too much in comic books?
Sadly, yes. Now to be fair, there are books that flaunt it, so you can’t be mad when it happens. However, there are those that do it and I can’t help but wonder why they did it like they did.

gradiannssThat is honestly why in my books Guardians and Home, I don’t do that with my female characters. I want them to be as non “eye candy” as possible, while still being beautiful at least in my mind. I’ve even changed panels because they were drawn to scantily, or posed weirdly. Women aren’t eye candy, they’re people, with personalities and lives, that’s what I want to know in my stories. Who are they? Why are they here? That’s what matters to me.

What is the worst thing a Villain can do to a Hero?
Wow…that’s tough. There are always lines you don’t think a villain should cross. Killing a loved one, torture, psychological destruction, there’s a lot of bad things a person can do to another. It’s all relative I suppose. I honestly don’t know what I would define as the “worst” because they’re all pretty bad!

gradiansWhich Character is so over rated given the power you would kill off and why them?
Another tough one. Wolverine was that for me for a while. I like the character, but he gets a lot of love while a great character like Cyclops gets nothing but hate. But Wolverine’s dead technically so…lol.

What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can learn form ?  
My journey with making comics was riddled with mistakes early on. I had no idea what I was doing at some points. It was only after I sought help from others that I got better at my craft. If you’re looking to be a writer of comics, or anything to gradianssbe honest, look for those who have done it before, ask for their advice.
If they’re truly professionals? They’ll help you, in a heartbeat, because you’ll remind them of what they were like once. Never be afraid to ask for help, only then can you learn.

Well you not only survived the 2016 vote but The 7 as well done.  You have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
I like writing characters stories, both Guardians and Home are that. To me, its the characters that sell stories, not just how they look or the action that happens on the page. With Home, we’re actually on Kickstarter for our 4th issue, and I’d be honored if you checked it out and pledge. Here’s the link:
All art work used is from project Thome3odd Black is a Writer of, it is homenot his ahome1rt.home-6


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